Carbon Storage: Wood

The use of fossil fuels to obtain energy and the intense release of carbon and carbon dioxide gases into the atmosphere unfortunately cause global warming and climate change.

It is possible to capture, store and preserve carbon dioxide. However, it will be possible to slow down climate change.

The CO2 emission in wood production is negligible. Namely, the amount of CO2 stored by wood is much higher than the emission involved in the production of wood products. A building made of wood becomes a storehouse of carbon, carbon can remain attached to these structures for centuries.

Contrary to construction materials such as steel and concrete, the use of wood will reduce emissions by replacing these products that cause C02 emissions.

For example, when a 1 m² wooden wall is built, approximately 52 kg of carbon storage capacity is obtained. When concrete is used as a material, the production of concrete will cause approximately 100 kg of CO2 emissions.

It seems that planting trees is not the only way to reduce climate impacts; The way we use wood from trees can also make a difference. Recent studies have shown that engineered wood products made of wood and various adhesives to increase physical strength contain much less carbon dioxide emissions and require lower costs than mineral-based building materials. New research in the journal Energy Economics predicts the potential of wood to replace energy-intensive building materials such as cement and steel, which account for about 10 percent of man-made greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and are the most difficult to reduce.

Analysis conducted in 180 countries found that global wood products offset 335 million tons of carbon dioxide in 2015. In a study comparing the emission effects of replacing CO2-intensive building materials (eg steel and concrete) with wood products, the CO2 intensity of wood production (CO2 emissions per tonne) was found to be 20% lower than metal products, 50% higher than iron, 25% higher than steel and 25% higher than cement. found to be less.

Wood products can be recycled at the end of their useful life. The energy obtained from wood is renewable energy, it can replace fossil fuels. It seems that the use of wood products will be an effective solution in reducing CO2 emissions by slowing down climate changes and will be used more as a building material in the future.

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